Counselling Services Auckland Area and Virtual

Ways in which I can help you

Here is what I can offer

Seeking counselling or psychotherapy does not mean in ANY WAY that there is something “wrong” with you or “needing a fix”; quite the opposite.
I welcome the opportunity to talk about your concerns and challenges.

The therapeutic process is in itself an open-ended journey; a shared process of exploration between you and me, where a relationship of trust is built to find solutions together. What you bring to our sessions may be challenging; and at times, you may find it difficult to talk about it and to share the depth of your story with me. I will be honored to witness your journey.


Generally targeted to short term consultations, usually centered around a specific issue needing a practical and immediate solution or outcome.


A pathway for self-exploration and self-discovery. We begin by gently looking at our past conditioning and progressively we transform outdated ways of navigating and being in the world. We re-discover and re-connect with those aspects of ourselves that have been squashed down, disowned and forgotten, we observe the organic unfolding of self-expression and authenticity, and we finally find a way to align with what is important, meaningful and purposeful in our life.

Couples therapy

Requires combined and individual sessions. Learn to listen to yourself and other. Unpack the reasons why you fight and what causes conflict. Understand and uncover your reactions. Learn to put words around your experience, about your needs and how to express these to your loved ones. Gain skills to break free from old patterns and to reconcile relationally.


Clinical supervision to psychotherapists, counsellors and coaching for health care professionals.

Topics we can explore together

I can help you

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Embark on a journey of personal growth, self-awareness and healing. The moment is now.




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